Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Pandemic: Youths Need to Rethink of New Ways to Survive

I have totally forgotten about this blog. The stress of starting a business and some personal problems have made me lose my focus. It felt like getting used to live in a pond and suddenly being thrown into the sea. It really does take a huge courage to take the first step out of our comfort zone.

We started a small event rental business a few years ago after closing down our wholesaler business. This idea came unexpectedly. As my mental health worsen, I took a floristry course. I was able to focus doing the floral arrangement and it was kind of an art therapy for me. AJ, my husband, also took the commercial course to explore the possibility of opening a florist. AJ also took interest in woodworking and start doing it as a hobby. The idea of the rental business came from our clients who visited us to discuss about some floral bouquet arrangement and saw AJ's work. By combining what we learned about floral design and some woodworking, we provide backdrop and photo booth rentals for any event. 

Just when we decided to grow the business, the pandemic hit us. Our business haven't got the chance to bloom and is currently dying. So now we are back to square one. We could revive the business after the pandemic is over but it will take some time.

Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia with inadequate infrastructure, low education level and high living cost. The pandemic cause even higher unemployment rate due to closure of businesses especially in the tourism industry, one of the largest driving forces of Sabah's economy, retail businesses, construction, home or retail space repair and renovation, event businesses, etc.

When AJ was looking for an apprentice, many of the applicants who apply are really overqualified. They were desperate for jobs. For them, any jobs will do as long as they can earn some money. 

What will happen to fresh graduates and school leavers when those more experienced are willing to take the jobs with entry level pay rate? Unless they have something of value to offer the company, it will be really hard for them to get a job. How are they going to survive especially those with no savings and no capital to start their own businesses? 

For the time being I could just state the problems without any solutions. I have also been having some sleepless nights thinking of new way to do business.

For the youths out there:

Malaysia government provide reskilling and upskilling program.  


Please be resilient and think of some creative and innovative ways to do business.

Do some freelance jobs

Do home based businesses

Just keep praying for guidance from God, take care of your health and keep going!


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